(this service is temporarily suspended)
The Information desk of the Museum is located on the ground floor, turning to the left of the entrance, in the same room of the ticket office.
The staff will be happy to offer help and advice about various aspects of your visit and your stay in our city. Find out more about all available, free of charge, services and leaflets:
– Free Museum maps in 9 languages. DOWNLOAD THE MAP
– Video tours to the masterpieces of the Museum described by the voice of the staff. watch them on You Tube
– Video guide to galleries highlights in the Italian Sign Language. u>DOWNLOAD THE CONTENTS
– Paper guide to the Museum masterpieces in Chinese. (The guide is the result of an EU project aimed at promoting intercultural exchange. It can only be borrowed for the purpose and time of the visit). DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE
– Educational materials for kids.
– Leaflets and brochures about Museum cultural events and temporary exhibitions.
– Leaflets and brochures about the city’s main attractions and cultural events.
– The Code of Service Quality - "Carta della Qualità dei Servizi" is available for reference.
– Ask information about how organizing your visit to the Museum galleries, combining your interests and the prospected duration of the visit.
– Borrow a wheel-chair, presenting an identification document.
– Ask for lost and found objects.
– Request and submit your complaint and suggestion form. DOWNLOAD THE FORM

Opening hours
Open every day, from 9.00 am to 7.30 pm, except on Tuesdays
Our Museum is constantly committed to be open and accessible to all visitors and to ensure that the widest number of people can enjoy the building, including the gardens, the permanent collections and the temporary exhibitions.
We hope the following information will help you plan your visit to the Museum.
If you require any further information please contact us: man-na.informazioni@cultura.gov.it.
- The premises of the Museum can be accessed from three different sides: 1) the eastern stairs, located right of Museo metro station exit, 2) the main central staircase or 3) the western entrance, to be reached, following the sidewalk from Museo metro station up to the end, then turning to the right, where the car gate is. This third entrance can be accessed by disabled visitors and visitors with buggies.
- On-site parking for disabled visitors can be requested at the gate entrance, presenting appropriate documentation.
- Disabled visitors and visitors with special needs (pregnant women, elderly with reduced mobility) are entitled to skip the line.
- The location of the lifts is highlighted on the Museum map, available on the website. Museum lifts, which only serve the wing in which they are located, are accessible to wheelchairs. On the first floor, it is not possible to go to the other wing unless you take the stairs, therefore it is necessary to go back to the ground floor and get the other lift. On the second floor, it is possible to go the other wing crossing the Great Hall of the Sundial.
- Assistant animals, for certified medical reasons, can enter the premises of the Museum, as long as they're working and are wearing their tabards/harness. Companion animals can enter only if they are small and they fit in a bag or in the arms.
- International Sign tour is available on the web site of the museum at this link. Enjoy your tour by downloading the tour map and seeing the videos. COMING SOON.
- Some collections do have some touch resources, such as braille descriptions and touchable 3d replicas or touchable bas-reliefs for paintings. Check them out in the Magna Graecia gallery!
- Free touch tours with Museum staff can be booked in advance, writing a mail to man-na.informazioni@cultura.gov.it

Free wifi is available for all visitors of the Museum. Ask for the password at the Information desk.

Audio guides can be rented at the ticket office.
They are available in five languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish and German.
Full price: € 5.00 - Reduced price: € 3.50 (OPENMANN holders and Campania>Artecard ticket holders)
The tour takes you to explore 90 items throughout the Museum, in a 85 minute fascinating visit, enjoyable at your own pace.

The bookshop is located on the ground-floor, turning to the left of the ticket office and it can be accessed also without buying an entrance ticket to the Museum.
Please note that the bookshop closes half an hour before the Museum. We recommend to go before 7.00 pm.

Opening hours
Open every day, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, except on Tuesdays
The Museum is provided with free, self-service lockers. The cloakroom is at the entrance, on the right. Please note that:
- Items of large luggage (including some bags and rucksacks) are not permitted and they must be left in the lockers.
- Hand-trolley can be stored in the lockers, if there is enough space, or handed out to the person in charge of the cloakroom.
- Bulky wheeled suitcases cannot be stored in the Museum.
- Umbrellas must be handed out to the person in charge of the cloakroom.
- Coats and jackets must be taken into the Museum and cannot be stored.
- School groups have their lockers reserved, since they must book their entrance in advance.
- When the cloakroom reaches its capacity, it won't accept items until it has space again.
- Items are left at the owner’s own risk.
- Items must be collected at least 15 minutes before closing time to avoid delays.
Opening hours
Open every day, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, except on Tuesdays
Come to the warm cafeteria of the Museum, located on the ground floor, next to the left wing lift, and enjoy a nice break from your visit, choosing from an healthy lunch menu, with some necessary sinful exceptions! If you come early in the morning, don’t forget to try a typical Neapolitan pastry-based breakfast, before starting! Time is always right for a tasty coffee, a drink or a snack!

Opening hours
Open every day, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, except on Tuesdays
Toilettes are located in the basement of the Museum and they are accessible through the corridors, departing on the right and on the left of the entrance hall staircase.
Toilettes for disabled are on the ground floor, following the corridor, on the left of the entrance hall staircase.

The Baby Pit Stop is a special space for newborn, located on the ground floor, at the
entrance of the emicycle, on the right hand side of the central staircase: the space is
made unique by“Big Mama”, a specially designed armchair for breast-feeding,
donated by UNICEF and Soroptimist International. It also represents an opportunity,
through a series of archaeological objects exhibited here, to cast a light on the
meaning and the representation of breast-feeding in the ancient world.
In the same space there is also a changing table.