From Pietro Fabris to Vincenzo Gemito. New acquisitions of the MANN
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Incontri di Archeologia - XXX - 30th anniversary
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The entrance to the Museum and the ticket office will be temporarily moved from the main door to the western door, at the corner with via Pessina, from Wednesday 5 February and until further notice.

A series of restructuring works of the whole building and in particular of the entrance site are being carried out, aimed at achevieng by the end of the year a brand new area dedicated to temporary exhibitions and events, new toilets and a reorganization of the Museum warehouses, which will become partially accessible on special occasions.

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From 12 February to 4 April 2025 a series of ordinary maintenance works will be carried out on the sculptures of the Farnese Collection in the display galleries, which might eventually cause some short interruption to the visit.

Monday 10 february 2025 the Museum Café will be closed for extraordinary maintenance works.

The Epigraphic, the Egyptian, the Gems and the Numismatic sections will be closed to the public until further notice, for refurbishment and extraordinary maintenance works.

We apologize for the inconvenience.